TraffiGlove TG1210 Metric Cut Level A Handling Gloves
With the TraffiGlove TG1210 Metric Cut Level A Handling Gloves dexterity and comfort are key, ensuring that precision handling is made easy while at work. Suitable for a wide range of low risk industries these handling gloves offer moderate protection too, meaning that you can handle items at work safely in the knowledge that your hands will stay protected.
Key Information
Product Code: TG1210
EN 388:2016 Rating: 4X21A
EN 420:2003
Available Sizes: 6 – 10
Supplied as a pair
What is the Resistance of the TraffiGlove TG1210 Handling Gloves?
The TraffiGlove Cut Level A Handling Gloves have been tested in accordance with EU standards to ensure high levels of performance. Please find the results below:
EN 388
Property Resistance Level
Abrasion Resistance Level 3
Cut Resistance N/A
Tear Resistance Level 2
Puncture Resistance Level 1
ISO Cut Resistance Level A